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Random-Oracle Model

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Idealized Model

An approach that has been hugely successful in practice, and which offers a "middle ground" between a fully rigorous proof of security on the one hand and no proof whatsoever on the other, is to introduce an idealized model in which to prove the security of cryptographic schemes. A popular example of this approach is the random-oracle model, which treats a cryptographic hash function as a truly random function.

The Random Oracle Model / Global Random Oracle

The random-oracle model posits the existence of a public, random function \(H\) that can be evaluated only by "querying" an oracle.

The oracle is simply a "black box" that takes a bit-string as input and returns a bit-string as output. The internal workings of the box are unknown and inscrutable. Everyone (including the adversary), can interact with the box. The box is consistent/ deterministic, if the box ever outputs \(y\) for a particular input \(x\), then it always outputs the same answer \(y\) when given the same input \(x\) again. The box must also be collision resistance.

\(H\) can either be viewed as being chosen the outputs "in one shot" uniformly from the set of all functions or "on-the-fly" as needed. In the second case we can view the function as being defined by a table that is initially empty. When the oracle receives a query \(x\) it first checks whether \(x\) is already in the table and otherwise chose a uniform string \(y\), returns it and store it in the table.

The hope is that the cryptographic hash function used is "sufficiently good" at emulating a random oracle.

Random oracle vs. pseudorandom functions

  • A pseudorandom function is only pseudorandom if the key is secret. In the random oracle model all parties need to be able to compute the function, thus there can be no secret key.
  • In the random oracle model, the random function is used as part of a construction itself


  • its not clear what it means for a hash function to be "sufficient good" at emulating a random oracle, nor is it clear that this is an achievable goal.
  • \(H\) is always fixed and its code is known, so a proof of security in the oracle model is not a rigorous proof that any real-world instantiation of the scheme is secure.
  • there is currently debate within the cryptographic community about how to interpret proofs in the random-oracle model.

links: AC1 TOC - Random Oracle & Applications - Modern Cryptography MOC - Index