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Hash Functions

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Hash functions are simply functions that take inputs of some length and compress them into short, fixed-length outputs.

Hash functions can be viewed as lying between the worlds of private- and public-key cryptography, because they have important applications in both settings.

Cryptographic Hash Functions

  • a hash function with a fixed output length
  • has to be deterministic
  • Collision resistant (which implies pre-image- and second-image resistance)
  • hash must therefore be a one-way function

Collision Resistance

  • a function H is collision resistant if it is infeasible for any probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm to find a collision in H.
  • The domain of a hash function is normally larger than their range in this case collisions must exist, but such collisions should be hard to find.

Keyed hash functions

  • Keyed hash functions: H takes as input a key s and a string x and outputs a string the key is generally not kept secret!
  • Cryptographic hash functions used in practice are generally unkeyed and have a fixed output length

Weaker Notions of Security

Second-preimage resistance

We have x and cannot find a x which results to the same Hash y for both x and x:


Preimage resistance

H is one-way, if we have a hash y (y=H(x) is known, x is unknown) we cannot go back to find a x to compute y:

H1(H(x))=x,let H1 be the inverse of H

Overview of Security Notions

Collision resistance implies second-preimage resistance, but does not guarantee preimage resistance A second-preimage attack implies a collision attack.

Compress Functions

Merkle-Damgård Transform

  • maps inputs of arbitrary length to outputs of length n



  • Davies-Meyer is a compress function from a block cipher
  • F is a strong pseudorandom permutation


Attacks on Hash Functions

  • in symmetric-key using a n-bit secret key is vulnerable to a brute-force attack in which an attacker enumerates all 2n possible keys
  • for a hash function H to be collision resistant against attackers running in time 2n it is required that H has output at least 2n bits long

Birthday attacks

  • if q people are in a room, what is the probability that some two of them share a birthday? matching birthdays correspond to collisions
  • if H has an output length of l, q=Θ(2l/2) yields a collision with probability roughly 1/2

Rho Method

  • algorithm for finding collisions
  • unlike the birthday attack, requires only a small amount of memory
  • Method: start with a random value x, calculate H1(x), then compute H2(H1), then H3(H2), ...
  • Aim: find a cycle/ collision in the evaluation


Universal Hash Function

Universal hashes can be extremely cheap to evaluate - much cheaper than block ciphers, pseudorandom functions, and especially collision-resistant hashes. (...) Universal hashing gives us strong guarantees with extremely cheap options

  • selecting a hash function at random from a family of hash functions with a certain mathematical property
  • Example of universal hash families: GHASH (used in GMAC) or Poly1305

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