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Assembler 101

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Intel vs. AT&T Assembly Syntax

Examples: (First line is Intel, second AT&T)

mov eax, ebx     ; Move the value in ebx to eax
movl %ebx, %eax

add eax, 5       ; Add 5 to eax
addl $5, %eax

mov eax, [ebx]   ; Move the value at the address in ebx to eax
movl (%ebx), %eax

inc eax          ; Increment eax
incl %eax


  • Operand Order: Intel has destination, source; AT&T has source, destination.
  • Prefixes: Intel doesn't use prefixes for registers and immediate values; AT&T uses % for registers and $ for immediate values.
  • Memory Addressing: Intel uses [] for memory addresses; AT&T uses ().
  • Instruction Names: Intel uses simpler instruction names; AT&T adds letters to show the size (b for byte, w for word, l for long).

Assembler 101

Variable Initialization:

int number;
number += 1;

Translates to:

number dw 0              ; Declare and initialize variable 'number' to 0
mov eax, number          ; Move the value of 'number' into eax
inc eax                  ; Increment the value in eax by 1
mov number, eax          ; Store the updated value back into 'number'

Array on the Stack:

char test[5];
test[0] = 1;
test[3] = 9;

Translates to:

sub esp, 0x10                ; Allocate 16 bytes on the stack for the array 'test'
mov byte ptr [ebp-0x5], 0x1  ; Set the first element of the array (test[0]) to 1
mov byte ptr [ebp-0x2], 0x9  ; Set the fourth element of the array (test[3]) to 9

Array on the Heap:

char *test = malloc(5);
test[3] = 9;

Translates to:

sub esp, 0x28            ; Allocate 40 bytes on the stack for function call
mov dword ptr [esp], 0x5 ; Push 5 as the argument for malloc (size of the array)
call malloc              ; Call malloc to allocate 5 bytes on the heap
mov [ebp-0xc], eax       ; Store the address returned in the local variable 'test'
mov eax, [ebp-0xc]       ; Move the address of the allocated memory to eax
add eax, 0x3             ; Move the pointer to the fourth byte in the allocated memory
mov byte ptr [eax], 0x9  ; Set the fourth element of the array to 9

Conditional Statement:

if (number < 0) {

Translates to:

mov eax, number          ; Move the value of 'number' into eax
cmp eax, 0               ; Compare the value of eax with 0
jge label                ; Jump to 'label' if eax is greater than or equal to 0
<smallerzero>            ; Code to execute if 'number' is less than 0
<restofcode>             ; Code to execute regardless of the condition


int n;
for(n=0; n<12; n++) {

Translates to:

sub esp, 0x28                 ; Allocate 40 bytes on the stack for the loop
mov dword ptr [ebp-0xc], 0x0  ; Initialize the loop counter (n) to 0
jmp short loop_cond           ; Jump to the loop condition check
mov dword ptr [esp], 0x41     ; Move the ASCII value of 'A' (0x41) onto the stack
call putchar                  ; Call putchar to print 'A'
add dword ptr [ebp-0xc], 0x1  ; Increment the loop counter (n)
cmp dword ptr [ebp-0xc], 0xb  ; Compare the loop counter with 11
jle short loop_start          ; Jump to 'loop_start' if counter is less than or equal to 11

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Compiling options

  • Disable optimization: -O0 , tells the compiler to disable all optimization, resulting in a straightforward translation of the source code to machine code, which is useful for debugging.
  • Disable Frame pointer: -fno-omit-frame-pointer, instructs the compiler to generate code that preserves the frame pointer in each function, which is useful for debugging and profiling by maintaining reliable stack traces.
  • 32 bit architecture: -m32 for 32 bit binary
  • Disable DEP: -z execstack, make stack executable again
  • Disable PIE: -no-pie -fno-pie, ensuring that the output binary is not position-independent and can be loaded at a fixed address
  • Other arguments used in examples
    • -ggdb: instructs the compiler to generate debugging information in the native format (DWARF) for use with GDB, including GDB-specific extensions for enhanced debugging capabilities.
    • -lcrypt: tells the linker to link the program with the crypt library
    • -fno-stack-protector: disables the generation of extra code that detects stack buffer overflows, making the compiled code more vulnerable to such attacks but potentially faster.

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